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Toma Chan

Designer + Software Engineer, and Creator

Bachelor project

The final project from my educational program.

Semester project

A project that aimed at examining the concepts of Cloud Computing and DevOps together with their strategic considerations.

My first Android app

Application developed for Android using Java, MVVM, Retrofit, Room, Hilt, RxJava and more.

My technology stack

Here you can find out more about the technologies I have learned so far.


I am Toma and I am a Software Engineering graduate from VIA University College

I am curious by nature and I feel I perform best when I am thrown into new challenges and exciting projects. Throughout the coursework of my studies, I have gained experience and knowledge in a wide range of technologies, tools, and methodologies used in software development. You can find out more about my skills and competences on the Technology stack and More about me page.

In my spare time, I like to produce electronic music and experiment with new tech. I’m always interested in new projects, so feel free to drop me a line.

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